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H145M delivered to Luxembourg government

18th November 2019 - 08:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The government of Luxembourg has received its first H145M helicopter from Airbus Helicopters, the company announced on 15 November.

This is the first of two H145M helicopters ordered for defence and security missions including troop and passenger transport, surveillance, air rescue, reconnaissance and medical evacuation.

The helicopter has been equipped with a hoist, fast roping system, high-performance camera, search light, advanced communication systems, and will have provisions to install a light armour protection kit. It is also equipped to operate in adverse weather conditions and at night.

The helicopter will be operated from Luxembourg Findel Airport, with the delivery of the second helicopter scheduled before the end of the year.

Airbus Helicopters will also provide a training and support package with the helicopters.


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