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German CH53s: better and safer in the air

2nd March 2010 - 10:59 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The upgraded CH-53GA has completed its maiden flight in the Bavarian skies over Donauwörth.

This flight took place three years after signing the contract for the modernisation project and is an important step for the Army.

With new digital flight and protective equipment the upgrade extends the life of the helicopter up to the year 2030.

Training will begin on the modernised CH-53 helicopters in early 2011. The aim of improving the CH-53G was to provide this helicopter with a better capability for various national and international missions.

The following key functional demands on the CH-53GA were made and implemented:
• Improving the display and control elements, thanks to modern, digital avionics system
• improved navigation accuracy and ability to fly under instrument flight conditions, international
• Integration of a new flight control system (4-axis autopilot), including hover = AFCS Automatic / Automatic Flight Control System
• increase in range up to 1200 kilometers through scaffolded inner tank
• Modification of avionics and communications for use in conjunction with the Tiger and NH90 helicopters
• Integration of a modular mission equipment; to Infrared Observation System (FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared Feedback System)
Satellite Communication (SatCom) and a modern electronic warfare system (EWS) for the electronic self-protection and threat detection.

The aircraft are being upgraded by Eurocopter at Donauworth and should be delivered between 2011 and 2013. The CH-53G helicopters have been in service for more than 35 years, and is ultimately the backbone of all Bundeswehr's missions abroad, and therefore the fleet is under extreme stress.

The type has not only the cornerstone of flexible troop and material transport of the Army as part of its missions under Germany's NATO defense mission, but he also acts since the early 1990s as a central pillar for all out-of-area missions of the Bundeswehr forces, and many other NATO forces in conflict zones from Kosovo to Kabul.

Eurocopter is responsible for the modification of 40 CH-53Gs to CH-53GA standard. The upgrade gives the aircraft new life, the airframe upgraded last from 6,000 to 10,000 flight hours and 35 year old wiring has been replaced.

Source: Luftwaffe Press Release

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