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French host CSAR training exercise

18th September 2009 - 12:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


CSAR units from across Europe have gathered at Cazaux airbase in South West France for a Combined Joint Personnel Recovery Standardisation Course.

The CSAR race was previously held on the airbase Florennes, Belgium, in parallel to the multinational training "HOM" TLP (Tactical Leadership Program). Following the removal of TLP in Spain, France was asked by the European Air Group (European Air Group, EAG, Great Britain) to organize the CSAR Course.

General Jansen, director of the EAG and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Netherlands, visited the participants of the CSAR, on September 15. He said: "I wanted to thank France for his immense generosity. We needed a place to hold this course and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force immediately proposed Cazaux.

"When I arrived, I was impressed by their reception of the helicopter squadron 1 / 67. With the proximity of mountains and sea, the base of Cazaux CSAR Course offers many opportunities for missions."

The course is designed to develop CSAR skills and procedures.

As part of the exercise, the aprons of Cazaux were filled with aircraft included EH-101s from Italy, Mi-24 Hinds from the Czech Republics as well as F-16s and E-3A Sentries. With them, more than 200 personnel from 15 countries including Germany, Canada, Spain, USA, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.

Exercise organiser, Colonel Uwe Schleimer of the German Air Force said: "The course continues to evolve since its inception. For this third edition, we decided to deepen the investigation on the ground and hold flights at night. "

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