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Farnborough: SOCOM advances SOF rotary wing modernisation

10th July 2014 - 11:12 GMT | by Jonathan Tringham in London


US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is moving ahead with key upgrades to its MH-60M, MH-47G, and A/MH-6M combat helicopters, including the Block III version of the Little Bird.

With the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) programme heading toward down-select at the end of July, SOCOM is also looking to ‘inject’ its requirements into the initial development and design efforts of the FVL programme, in order to minimise the need for any subsequent ‘SOF-specific’ modifications. 

In its fiscal year 2015 budget submission to the US DoD in March, SOCOM defined a series of modifications and upgrades to enhance the

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Jonathan Tringham


Jonathan Tringham

Jonathan Tringham is a former Shephard staff reporter based in the UK. Jonathan worked in …

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