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Ex-Jordanian Cobras enter service in Pakistan

11th October 2013 - 15:06 GMT | by Alan Warnes in Pakistan


The Pakistan Army Aviation (PAA) has recently inducted eight former Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) AH-1S Cobra attack helicopters into service.

The gunships’ arrival has been eagerly anticipated for the past few years, as they will allow the overworked Cobras fighting insurgents in the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) to return for major overhaul/inspection. 

After being air-freighted from Amman, Jordan inside an Antonov 225 in January/February 2013 they are now augmenting all three AH-1 Cobra combat squadrons, the ‘Panzers’, ‘Air Wolves’ and ‘Mustangs’.  

The former RJAF AH-1S Cobras are still flying in their old markings, including the example pictured,

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Alan Warnes


Alan Warnes


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