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Chinooks prepare to head for Norway

20th January 2010 - 10:15 GMT | by Shephard News Team


In February and March some of RAF Odiham personnel are deploying to Norway on Exercise Clockwork for a month.

The recent heavy snowfall at RAF Odiham, the deepest snow covering in southern England, has allowed crews the opportunity to practise the techniques that will be required once they get to Norway, thereby reducing the training burden.

Sqn Ldr Lee Turner, 2nd in Command of 18(B) Squadron based at RAF Odiham said, “The crews will need to be able to operate by day and night in the Arctic. So far the training has consisted of ground briefings, exercises in the simulator and survival training”.

The snow has allowed crews to experience reduced visibility landings and the impact it has when trying to operate as a pair. They have been able to see first-hand the hazards of ‘white-out’ and the problems associated with flying when all the surfaces are white and how disorientating it can be.

Sqn Ldr Johnny Priest, 2nd in Command of 27 Squadron based at RAF Odiham said, “The snow here has exposed crews to factors they will have to consider in the Arctic. For example, they have to start the aircraft in a different order, considering temperature and weather limits. The snow has not only exposed more crews, who may not have been going to Norway, the opportunity to train, but has given those who are going, a head start. Consequently when they arrive in Norway they will be able to move on more quickly and focus on the wider training objectives”.

So despite the terrible weather conditions, RAF Odiham has made full use of them.

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