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Boeing secures Saudi AH-6i contract

1st September 2014 - 15:57 GMT | by Jonathan Tringham in London


Boeing been awarded a contract to manufacture 24 AH-6i light attack helicopters for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of the National Guard (SAMNG), marking the first sale of the type.

The new contract, valued at $235 million, was announced by the Pentagon on 29 August, and comes as part of a wider programme to modernise and expand the air power of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces.

Under a multi-billion dollar arms package announced in 2010, the US agreed to sell a range of aircraft to Saudi Arabia, including 60 rotary wing aircraft for what was then called the Saudi Arabian

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Jonathan Tringham


Jonathan Tringham

Jonathan Tringham is a former Shephard staff reporter based in the UK. Jonathan worked in …

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