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Bell Helicopter takes Huey II and Bell 407 GT on tour

11th July 2014 - 16:35 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Bell Helicopter has conducted a series of Bell Huey II and the Bell 407GT helicopter demonstrations in Jordan and Saudi Arabia in response to growing interest in the aircraft from the Middle East and African markets.

The Bell 407GT light attack helicopter also completed a successful live fire demonstration in Amman to prove its ability to shoot both precision and non-precision weapons systems. This demonstration was completed in conjunction with L3 Wescam with the MX10 EO/IR Sensor; Dillon Aero with the M134D mini-gun; and featured BAE Systems’ Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS.)

The live-firing included both the APKWS seeker used on conventional 2.75 inch Hydra 70 rockets and the Dillon M134D mini gun. Two successful shots were made on target, one from 3000m while flying at 60kts and a second at 3300m while the aircraft was in a hover; more than 6,000 rounds were also fired from the Dillon mini-gun.

In total Bell Helicopter pilots flew more than 15 total demonstration flights for more than 20 passengers in the Bell 407GT, including the Royal Jordanian Air Force, Royal Jordanian Special Operations Brigade and the Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation Command.

Steve Suttles, managing director of commercial business in the Middle East and Africa, Bell Helicopter, said: ‘Customers throughout the Middle East and Africa have shown significant interest in the unique capabilities of both the Bell Huey II and the Bell 407GT, and have been eager for a chance to see the aircraft in action. We were very excited to bring both helicopters to the region to showcase exactly what they can do while operating in their own backyards.’

The Bell Huey II also flew additional customers during it’s time in Amman, Jordan and offered aerial support during the Bell 407GT live fire demonstration.

David Sale, regional sales manager, Bell Helicopter, said: ‘The Bell Huey II has proven itself both in combat and combat support in the region. The Bell Huey II is more than just new paint and refurbished UH-1H parts; it’s the only original equipment manufacturer upgrade to the airframe. This includes an air worthiness release, new Bell Helicopter qualifications, new technical publications, and Bell Helicopters award-winning, global 24/7  engineering support.’

Huey II

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