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Belgium to invest €9.2 billion in defence

22nd January 2016 - 11:02 GMT | by Nicholas Fiorenza in Brussels


The new strategic defence plan for 2030 agreed by the Belgian government on 22 December foresees 9.2 billion euros being invested in its armed forces. The money will be invested in the land, air and naval components, which are now referred to as ‘dimensions’, as well as cyber intelligence.

The armed forces will be reduced from 32,000 to 25,000 military and civilian ‘full-time equivalents’ while the average age of service members will also be reduced, from the current 40 to 34.

The plan aims to achieve a balance between personnel costs with the intention of reducing them to 50% of

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Nicholas Fiorenza


Nicholas Fiorenza

Nicholas Fiorenza is a Shephard contributor based in Brussels.

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