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Australia seeks capability partner for SOF helicopters

8th August 2020 - 03:35 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) released an RfP on 4 August regarding a capability enhancement programme (CEP) for the army’s forthcoming special operations rotary-wing (SORW) aircraft being procured under Project Land 2097 Phase 4.

The ADF wants innovative proposals for delivery of a ‘rolling wave’ CEP. Ongoing upgrades over the life of the helicopters would include the addition of new sensors, weapons, EW and communications equipment. The document listed the example of a gyroscopically stabilised sniper support system.

A CEP is necessary because, due to the nature of special operations missions, 'the development and acquisition of cutting-edge technologies is

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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