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Australia denies any interest in HH-60W CRH

19th February 2021 - 18:16 GMT | by Tim Martin in London

Contrary to past reports linking Australia to interest in an order for HH-60W combat helicopters, there is no such connection, according to the country's Department of Defence.

The Australian Department of Defence has distanced itself from suggestions that the army is interested in an order for Sikorsky’s HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH).

A senior Sikorsky representative similarly revealed that while the manufacturer has held conversations with Australia, including delivery of capability briefs for the USAF aircraft, such developments have not included discussions on ‘numbers, timings or any real interest'.

Reports from October 2020 linked Australia to a potential order for SF HH-60W or MH-60M Black Hawks, with one claiming that Canberra had sent a request for quotation to the US DoD covering the price and availability of

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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