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AUSA 2016: Apache to widen embrace

4th October 2016 - 16:10 GMT | by Tony Skinner in Washington DC


The US Army continues to advance the manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) capability of the AH-64E Apache as it looks to the next evolution of its attack helicopter.

Following on from the Block III upgrade that resulted in the widespread fielding of the Echo model of the Apache, the ‘Version 6’ standard currently under development will widen the scope of MUM-T to include all currently fielded UAVs.

Speaking at AUSA in Washington DC, US Army programme manager Col Jeffrey Hager said the MUM-TX effort would take the teaming capability beyond the Gray Eagle and Shadow V2.

‘Version 6 capability is in development

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Tony Skinner


Tony Skinner

Tony Skinner is Shephard Media's Creative Director, overseeing the strategic direction, content development and project …

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