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Airbus Helicopters caps difficult year with EC175 certification

28th January 2014 - 13:13 GMT | by Tony Skinner in Paris


Increased deliveries and the certification of the EC175 was the focus of Airbus Helicopters’ annual address to the press, as the company attempted to put a ‘difficult’ 2013 behind it.

Speaking to reporters in Paris on 28 January, company president Guillaume Faury highlighted an increase in deliveries of 497 helicopters – the first time since 2008 there has not been a drop from the previous year’s figure.

Many of the company’s financial details that are usually released at this time of the year were noticeably absent, however, and will instead be reported alongside those of parent Airbus Group.

Faury was

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Tony Skinner


Tony Skinner

Tony Skinner is Shephard Media's Creative Director, overseeing the strategic direction, content development and project …

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