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AgustaWestland sues the US government

23rd September 2014 - 13:52 GMT | by Tony Skinner in London


AgustaWestland has filed a bid protest in a US federal court over the US Army’s move to procure additional UH-72 Lakota helicopters to fulfil its long-term training mission.

The motion filed in the US Court of Federal Claims on 19 September claimed that not only was the UH-72, which is based on Airbus Helicopters’ EC145, more expensive to purchase and operate than alternatives on the market but also has a ‘restricted flight manoeuvre envelope and other features that are likely to impede its training utility’. 

In a rare case of an OEM suing a major customer, the company’s plea

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Tony Skinner


Tony Skinner

Tony Skinner is Shephard Media's Creative Director, overseeing the strategic direction, content development and project …

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