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300 rescues for 771 Naval Air Squadron in 2009

8th January 2010 - 10:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


771 Naval Air Squadron at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose has clocked up over 300 emergency call-outs during 2009, ranging from long range rescues at sea, to life-saving transfers between hospitals, to plucking injured holiday makers from inaccessible cliffs.

The squadron’s familiar red and grey Sea King helicopters criss-cross the coast and seas around Cornwall usually en route to hospital with casualties on board, who until handed over to the Accident and Emergency department, are given emergency medical treatment by the squadron’s paramedics.

One of 771’s SAR crews, Captain Martyn Roskilly (Royal Marines), Lieutenant Jonathon Hounsome (Royal Navy) and paramedic Chief Petty Officer Dave Rigg, were featured recently in the BBC “Seaside Rescue” series and in the ITV programme, “A Night of Heroes” in recognition of their part in the transfer of an injured fisherman who had been seriously injured on board the Spanish fishing vessel “Pesca Verdes Tres”. 

In appalling conditions CPO Rigg succeeded in getting the fisherman up to the rescue helicopter, and successfully resuscitating him on 5 separate and emotional occasions, but despite all his efforts the fisherman died from his severe injuries before the helicopter reached the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro.

Other incidents involving 771 Squadron’s rescue helicopters include: The rescue of the driver and passengers from their car stuck in a flooded ditch;  The transfer of injured passengers from the cruise ship Queen Mary;  Flying divers suffering from the “bends” to hospital in Plymouth;  Searching for and locating a missing motor launch underway with no crew on board;  Picking up two coastal path walkers, and their dog, who were stranded having slipped off the path - and numerous other fortunate people who now owe their wellbeing to the SAR squadron and local Emergency Services crews.

Source: Royal Navy

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