USSOCOM advances Leidos’ Bronco II aircraft to the next phase of development
Equipped with a modular weapons system, Bronco II is capable of a wide range of weapons configurations. (Image: Bronco USA)
Leidos has been awarded a contract in the next phase of the US Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) Armed Overwatch aircraft prototype programme.
The Leidos team will advance its new aircraft, Bronco II, to the Phase III Operational Prototype Demonstration fly-off.
USSOCOM selected Leidos as the prime contractor to compete for the final phase of the Armed Overwatch contract.
The contract requires demonstrating a new prototype system evaluated against well-defined criteria.
Bronco II is a rugged, affordable and sustainable multi-mission aircraft that has been built to meet the specific needs of special operations forces.
It has been designed to ‘roll-on, roll-off' standards and can be rapidly disassembled, transported and reassembled in the field by a small crew.
It can be reassembled in the field in less than 12 hours.
It features modular mission systems to enable rapid system changes, updates, additions, integration and removal.
Mission flexibility is a Bronco II hallmark. It can be reconfigured, while remotely deployed, in less than two hours.
The aircraft can be equipped with a number of different payloads, such as ELINT, medical supplies, resupplies, fuel drums and airdrops.
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