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The Philippines prepares for high-end fighter operations

24th September 2024 - 09:32 GMT | by Roy Choo in Sydney


The Philippines deployed four FA-50PH light combat aircraft for Exercise Pitch Black 2024 in Australia. (Photo: Roy Choo)

The Southeast Asian country’s air force is broadening the warfighting mission sets of its FA-50PH by shifting focus towards offensive counter air, defensive counter air and ground attack missions.

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is enhancing its tactical fighter training, as well as tactics and techniques, as the country’s armed forces shifts focus towards the higher end of the threat spectrum.

Traditionally, the Philippines military has been engaged in counter-insurgency (COIN) operations. In recent times, it has been realigning its modernisation programmes to strengthen territorial and coastal defence amid a surge in tensions with China. Disputes over a number of islets and reefs in the South China Sea has led to occasional violent skirmishes.

The PAF currently operates a modest fleet of 12 Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50PH light

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Roy Choo


Roy Choo

Rex Choo is a freelance journalist based in Australia.

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