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Sweden could face ASW capability gap by slashing NH90

10th November 2022 - 17:00 GMT | by Norbert Neumann in London


If the Swedish government approves current plans, retiring the NH90 could create an ASW and ASuW rotary-wing capability gap for the Nordic nation. (Photo: Swedish Armed Forces)

As Sweden is set to become a NATO member, its regional ASW and ASuW responsibilities will increase. Phasing out the NH90 gradually will win some time for Stockholm, but soon it will have to make a decision on a new helicopter capability.

The Swedish Armed Forces' Supreme Commander Gen Micael Bydén announced last week that the country was cancelling its purchase agreement of NH90 maritime helicopters due to problems with the availability of the NHIndustries-designed rotorcraft.

The ruling on the NH90 came as part of a wider defence modernisation and procurement plan.

The announcement was no surprise, however, as Maj Gen Carl-Johan Edstrom, chief of the Swedish Air Force, said at a 17 July press briefing that Sweden will make a decision this autumn whether to continue to operate the NH90 or ‘go the way of Norway’ and turn to another platform.

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Norbert Neumann


Norbert Neumann

Norbert is the Aviation, Military Training & Simulation reporter at Shephard Media. Before joining Shephard in …

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