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UK denies Saudi participation in 6th-generation fighter programme

2nd March 2023 - 16:30 GMT | by Norbert Neumann in London


It is possible for the KSA to join the UK programmes ultimately, although this is likely to be only on at a subsystem level. (Image: UK MoD/Crown Copyright)

The UK has categorically stated that the agreement signed between the two countries is unrelated to FCAS or the Global Combat Air Programme despite Saudi announcements.

On 1 March, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) said it would be joining the UK-led Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme, but the UK said no agreement exists between the two that is related to FCAS or the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) effort.

In a Tweet, KSA Minister of Defence Khalid bin Salman said his country and the UK had ‘signed a declaration of KSA’s intent to participate in the FCAS, which will strengthen KSA’s defensive capabilities through a comprehensive partnership that includes joint production and R&D projects for future air systems'.

Things became confusing when the

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Norbert Neumann


Norbert Neumann

Norbert is the Aviation, Military Training & Simulation reporter at Shephard Media. Before joining Shephard in …

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