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Safran continues to support UK Merlin helicopters

4th April 2024 - 11:37 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


The AW101 Merlin, an evolution of the EH101, is a three-engine heavy helicopter. (Photo: UK MoD/Crown Copyright)

The new engine support contract could be extended until 2040 to match the AW101 Merlin helicopter’s retirement date.

Safran Helicopter Engines has signed a new contract with the UK MoD’s Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) agency for the continued support of RTM322 engines used on the Royal Navy’s (RN) fleet of 55 AW101 Merlin helicopters.

The contract will run for six years, starting this month, with options to extend the support through to Merlin’s out-of-service date of 2040. Safran said the effort would build on the previous 11 years of support arrangement, focusing on maximising engine availability and mission success.

Running from the Safran Helicopter Engines facility in Fareham, UK, the service will provide engine maintenance, technical advice and logistic support for RN operational units.

The AW101, an evolution of the EH101, is a three-engine, heavy helicopter that meets both civil and military mission requirements. It is equipped with a low-workload, NVG-compatible glass cockpit and fully integrated communications, navigation, avionics and flight and mission management systems. 

With the largest cabin in its class, the Merlin can carry up to 38 “lightly equipped troops” and can be arranged in various configurations to meet customer requirements.


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