Saab signs US$190 million GlobalEye contract with UAE
Saab will attempt to deliver two remaining GlobalEye AEW&C aircraft to the UAE this year. (Photo: Saab)
Saab has signed a US$190 million three-year contract with the UAE to provide in-service support for the Middle East nation’s GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) solution.
The Swedish aerospace and defence firm signed the contract, which will run until 2026, with the UAE Ministry of Defence. The company will provide maintenance and logistics support, as well as training services.
Carl-Johan Bergholm, head of surveillance at Saab, said: “This agreement solidifies Saab’s role in ensuring that GlobalEye remains mission-ready. We look forward to further strengthening our partnership with the UAE Air Force and Air Defence and providing long-term local support.”
GlobalEye, a multi-domain AEW&C solution, consists of active and passive sensors that offer real-time information and long-range detection on objects on land, in the air and at sea.
In November 2023, Shephard reported that Saab had been in discussions to expand collaboration between the Scandinavian nations of Finland, Sweden and Denmark on jointly operating their respective GlobalEye platforms.
The story also noted that the Swedish firm would work towards the delivery of two remaining GlobalEye AEW&C aircraft to the UAE in 2024.
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