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Rafael’s Ice and Sea Breaker readies for production

23rd February 2024 - 12:30 GMT | by Roy Choo in Singapore


The air-launched Ice Breaker is compact enough to be carried on most fighter aircraft and even a medium-sized helicopter. (Photo: Roy Choo)

Rafael revealed at the Singapore Airshow 2024 that production was about to commence on the Ice and Sea Breaker for two customers who signed up for the missile two years ago.

Rafael has shared with Shephard that its air-launched Ice Breaker and surface-launched Sea Breaker missile systems were contracted by two customers approximately two years ago and that production would begin shortly.

While the Israeli defence and technology company declined to comment when asked if it was one or both missile types that had been contracted for, both systems are identical other than the booster and launch cannister of the Sea Breaker.

The Sea Breaker was unveiled in 2021 and the Ice Breaker followed a year later. The missile features a low radar cross-section, thanks to the extensive use of composite

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Roy Choo


Roy Choo

Rex Choo is a freelance journalist based in Australia.

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