PLA shows off new UCAV, while CH-5 achieves sale to Iraq
The KVD002, presumed to be a customised variant of the CH-4, has entered PLA service. (Photo: Chinese internet)
The People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is an avid user of UCAVs, with the likes of the Wing Loong II and WZ-10 in its inventory. Now, the PLA ground force has adopted similar UCAVs while, farther afield, Iraq has likely emerged as the first customer for the CH-5.
At the China Helicopter Exhibition in Tianjin, held from 14-17 September, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) exhibited a KVD002 UCAV, which it claimed was the service’s first reconnaissance and strike UAV.
The PLA said the platform can conduct long-endurance reconnaissance, and perform precision strikes against targets such as air defence weapons,
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