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Philippines awaits next T129 and S-70i helicopters

30th November 2022 - 06:51 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


The Philippine Air Force is awaiting imminent arrival of the third and fourth T129B Atak helicopters from Turkey. (Photo: PAF)

Additional T129 Atak and S-70i helicopters from Turkey and Poland respectively will be arriving in the Philippines soon.

Turkish Aerospace has completed another two T129B Atak helicopters for the Philippine Air Force (PAF). Meanwhile, production of the first batch of 32 S-70i Black Hawk helicopters is proceeding apace at Sikorsky’s Polish subsidiary PZL Mielec.

Turkey recently completed tests on the first two T129s, and the PAF has commenced acceptance tests. Their delivery to the Philippines by air is reportedly targeted for completion by 3 December.

These are the third and fourth examples from a PHP13.73 billion ($275.6 million) order for six units placed in July 2020.

The final pair of T129s could be handed over to the Philippines

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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