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Offsets could be the clincher in Thai fighter competition

19th July 2024 - 18:01 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


The Thai air force is ready to begin replacing ageing F-16A/B fighters, of which one from 102 Squadron is shown here. (Photo: Author)

The 'Thai Air Force White Paper 2024', released on 29 February, promised the procurement would take place from FY2025–34, to allow retirement of late-1980s-era F-16s of 102 Squadron based at Korat by 2028.

An immediate priority for the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) is a requirement for 12–14 new fighters to replace ageing F-16A/Bs, and two competitors are swinging their last punches as the final bell approaches.

The two jockeying contenders are Lockheed Martin’s F-16 Block 70/72 and Saab’s Gripen E, and the air force has already applied for approximately US$530 million for a first batch of four fighters.

Significantly, the RTAF has just recommended that the Gripen E be selected, with a source close to the air force telling Shephard: “In the first step of the comparison, the RTAF gave the

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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