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NATO membership’s ripple effect: Transforming Nordic air forces

3rd April 2024 - 17:00 GMT | by Norbert Neumann in London


The exact form of the Nordic Air Force concept remains uncertain with several details requiring further refinement. (Photo: Saab)

As Sweden and Finland embrace their newfound NATO membership, alignment with alliance requirements and regional interests could herald the dawn of a reinvigorated Nordic Air Force with enhanced defence capabilities.

After almost two centuries of maintaining official military neutrality, Sweden made a historic decision on 7 March 2024 to join NATO, expanding its role on the global NATO stage while opening avenues for closer cooperation with its Nordic counterparts.

The Swedish Armed Forces, especially the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet), had long been shaped by the country’s commitment to impartial defence, said Maj Gen Jonas Wilkman, chief of the Swedish Air Force. Saab itself, Sweden’s foremost defence company, was established by a nation ready to stand alone with a strategic focus on addressing potential threats from Russia.

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Norbert Neumann


Norbert Neumann

Norbert is the Aviation, Military Training & Simulation reporter at Shephard Media. Before joining Shephard in …

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