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Indonesia invests in Mirages to plug a fighter shortfall

16th June 2023 - 05:23 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


Indonesia is adding 12 ex-Qatari Mirage 2000-5 fighters to its depleted combat air force. (Photo: US DoD)

Indonesia's air force goes back in time to acquire ex-French, ex-Qatari Mirage fighter jets.

A dozen Mirage 2000-5 fighters are destined for Indonesia after Jakarta sealed a €733 million ($802 million) deal for these third-hand aircraft from Qatar.

The Public Relations Bureau of the Indonesian MoD confirmed the news on 13 June. However, the air force later said the deal had been signed in January.

Funding for the nine single-seat Mirage 2000-5EDA and three twin-seat Mirage 2000-5DDA fighters will come from foreign loans approved by the Ministry of Finance. The contract includes 14 engines, three years of support services and crew training.

The Mirages will be delivered within two years of the contract signature

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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