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IDEF 2021: Çağatay goes on display

18th August 2021 - 12:05 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Çağatay VTOL UAV in flight. (Photo: UAVERA)

Turkish UAV is the first in its class to be fully controllable via satellite, manufacturer UAVERA claims.

UAVERA is exhibiting its CGT50 Çağatay VTOL UAV at the IDEF defence exhibition in Istanbul on 17-20 August.

Çağatay is designed to operate at ‘under-cloud’ altitudes with mission endurance of 6h and a maximum communication range of 150km, according to the Turkish manufacturer.

Features include sense-and-avoid, anti-collision and swarm capabilities, as well as integration with the Havelsan Harbiye battlefield C2 system.

UAVERA added that it can produce three Çağatay systems (six aircraft in total) plus sub-components per month.

Another unique feature, according to UAVERA, is that Çağatay is the ‘first satellite-controlled UAV system in its class’, following a joint R&D programme with Inmarsat, Cobham and A-TechSYN.

This means the UAV can be controlled without distance restrictions via TÜRKSAT satellites.

‘Çağatay UAV has a serious advantage of ease of use, as it can be easily made ready for use by only three personnel and can take off from any place without the need for a runway,’ UAVERA added.

Çağatay CGT50

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