IDEF 2021: Çağatay goes on display
Çağatay VTOL UAV in flight. (Photo: UAVERA)
UAVERA is exhibiting its CGT50 Çağatay VTOL UAV at the IDEF defence exhibition in Istanbul on 17-20 August.
Çağatay is designed to operate at ‘under-cloud’ altitudes with mission endurance of 6h and a maximum communication range of 150km, according to the Turkish manufacturer.
Features include sense-and-avoid, anti-collision and swarm capabilities, as well as integration with the Havelsan Harbiye battlefield C2 system.
UAVERA added that it can produce three Çağatay systems (six aircraft in total) plus sub-components per month.
Another unique feature, according to UAVERA, is that Çağatay is the ‘first satellite-controlled UAV system in its class’, following a joint R&D programme with Inmarsat, Cobham and A-TechSYN.
This means the UAV can be controlled without distance restrictions via TÜRKSAT satellites.
‘Çağatay UAV has a serious advantage of ease of use, as it can be easily made ready for use by only three personnel and can take off from any place without the need for a runway,’ UAVERA added.
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