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Defence leaders call for strengthened supply chains and highlight security risks at Farnborough

30th July 2024 - 10:10 GMT | by Damian Kemp in Farnborough, UK


Raytheon has added a new engine supplier to meet demand. (Image: US Air Force)

Under mostly clear skies, a couple of showers and the roar of the newest variant of Boeing’s venerable F-15, there was a lot of talk at Farnborough International Airshow 2024 about how to make supply chains stronger in the face of high demands and a lingering post-Covid pandemic effect.

Several company heads highlighted the challenges of trying to strengthen supply chains during conversations at Farnborough as they spoke about how governments and larger companies needed to nurture and support smaller entities.

Specific supply chain problems identified included the small number of potential suppliers, a shortage of capability and inadequate security.

Elbit America president and CEO Luke Savoie pointed to a need for depth in suppliers to allow an alternative in the case of an individual supplier facing difficulties, as well as allowing for a reduction in manufacturing pace to support the overhaul of processes.

Savoie noted that a deep supply

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Damian Kemp


Damian Kemp

Damian Kemp has worked in the defence media for 25 years covering military aircraft, defence …

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