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Farnborough 2022: Boom and Northrop Grumman partner to explore supersonic airliner’s military potential

19th July 2022 - 17:13 GMT | by Harry Lye in Farnborough


Rendering of the Overture supersonic aircraft. (Image: Boom Supersonic)

At Farnborough International Air Show, Supersonic airliner developer Boom announced a partnership with Northrop Grumman to explore the military applications of the in-development Overture supersonic airliner.

Under a collaborative agreement, Boom Supersonic and Northrop Grumman will offer a new supersonic aircraft tailored for quick-reaction capabilities to the US military and its allies.

It is thought that the sizeable supersonic airliner could offer capabilities in the quick movement of personnel or cargo over long distances and benefits for other missions such as ISR.

The main benefit the aircraft would offer against existing aircraft is speed.

Designed to carry up to 80 passengers at speeds of up to Mach 1.7, Boom believes its aircraft could travel from London to New York in 3.5h.

Previously, the USAF has supported

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Harry Lye


Harry Lye

Harry Lye was Senior Naval Reporter at Shephard Media.

Harry joined the company in 2021, …

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