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DSEI 2021: Leonardo supports USAF and RAF collaboration

16th September 2021 - 16:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


ORCUS is playing a key role in the RAF’s wide-ranging ‘Synergia’ research and development programme. (Image: Leonardo)

Leonardo has supported RAF and USAF Synergia R&D programme through its integration of C-UAS technology.

Leonardo has integrated the USAF Research Laboratory (AFRL)’s NINJA technology into the RAF Orcus C-UAS system as of the UK and US Armed Force’s collaboration on C-UAS R&D.

The AFRL’s Negation of Improvised None-State Joint Aerial threats (NINJA) technology can take command of a hostile drone through its surgical cyber jamming effect.

Leonardo delivered the first of four modular ORCUS C-UAS systems to the RAF in September 2020. The systems are part of an extensive test and evaluation campaign.

The integrated ORCUS and NINJA systems underwent testing at RAF Spadeadam during which ORCUS was tasked with detecting, tracking, identifying and defeating simulated drone threats.

The integration of NINJA technology into ORCUS provides another tool for drone operators to defeat hostile targets and rogue drones, in addition to the system’s existing Leonardo Guardian system.

The Guardian system provides a long-range ‘electronic sniper rifle’ jamming effect in a similar manner to NINJA. It can be used to avoid adverse effects on other RF systems in the area.

The Guardian system was integrated into Leonardo’s Falcon Shield C-UAS and famously deployed in response to the closure of Gatwick Airport for 33h in 2018 due to rogue drone interference. 

Falcon Shield

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