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Dominator XP UAVs are commissioned into Thai air force

5th September 2023 - 08:47 GMT | by Sompong Nondhasa in Bangkok


Thailand introduced three Dominator XP MALE UAVs into service on 1 September. (Photo: RTAF)

Thailand has adopted its first ever UAVs in the medium-altitude long-endurance class.

The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) inducted three Dominator XPs, Thailand’s first MALE UAV, for military and civilian missions on 1 September.

ACM Alongkorn Wannarot, Commander-in-Chief of the RTAF, presided over the ceremony for the Dominator XP at Squadron 302, Wing 3, which is based in Nakhon Sawan Province.

The RTAF purchased the trio of Dominator XPs, along with spare parts, equipment, logistics support and training courses, from Israel’s Aeronautics Defense Systems. This was done with a budget commitment of $27 million between 2018 and 2021.

The Dominator XP is a pilotless DA42 platform, with the RTAF already operating the

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Sompong Nondhasa


Sompong Nondhasa

Sompong, a Thai national living in Bangkok, is a fulltime photojournalist and editor of the …

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