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Boeing gets another boost with 36 Apaches approved for South Korea amid flurry of FMS deals

20th August 2024 - 12:30 GMT | by Damian Kemp in London


South Korea is set to receive 36 AH-64E Apaches. (Photo: Boeing)

The approval of four Foreign Military Sale (FMS) requests this week follows the green light for the sale to Israel of 50 F-15IA multi-role fighter aircraft and mid-life update kits for the country’s existing F-15s and other equipment in deals worth $20 billion.

South Korea is set to receive a massive boost in capability after the US State Department approved the country’s request for up to 36 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters and 456 AGM-114R2(N) Hellfire missiles as part of a deal worth US$3.5 billion.

The sale is the third major boost for Boeing in the space of a week following on from Poland’s signing a deal worth $12 billion for 96 Apaches and the FMS approval for Israel to buy 50 F-15IA fighter aircraft and upgrade kits for existing F-15Is under an $18.8 billion contract.

South Korea’s planned purchase of the 36 Apaches

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Damian Kemp


Damian Kemp

Damian Kemp has worked in the defence media for 25 years covering military aircraft, defence …

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