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Bidders await decision on Australian SATCOM tender

25th February 2022 - 06:33 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


For communications the ADF currently relies on an Optus C1 satellite that is approaching the end of its life. (Optus)

Bids for an Australian tender to create a sovereign military SATCOM network closed last month.

Australia’s multi-billion-dollar tender for a sovereign defence satellite communication system, known as Joint Project 9102 and launched in April last year, closed on 10 January.

JP9102 encompasses space, launch, ground and control elements, and the Australian government wants the system to start delivering capability in the middle of this decade. It will include up to four satellites able to operate for 25 years, plus ground-based equipment such as antennas and modems. However, it does not include the buildings that will house the ground stations.

The project is priced at approximately A$4 billion ($2.87 billion) including lifecycle costs, and it will

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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