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Digital Battlespace
Intelligence advantage: How real-time GEOINT is reshaping military decision-making
In today’s contested operational environment, adaptability is key. The new Geospatial-Intelligence as a Service (GEO IaaS) solution from Fujitsu and MAIAR empowers militaries by enabling intelligence advantage, combining advanced technology with human expertise to deliver actionable insights.
Training Together: Unlocking Educational Excellence through Military and Industry Collaboration (Studio)
Military training is ultimately about people. At Capita, training programmes are built on close engagement with partners, delivering an educational approach that can adapt to individual needs, cultivate leadership – and drive wider cultural change.
Enhancing Military Training Through Digital Technology (Studio)
Digital technologies offer huge opportunities for defence training. However, militaries must adopt an agile approach, placing the needs of their organisations and personnel at the centre of their efforts.
Land Warfare
Layered Defence: How new technologies are enhancing armoured vehicle survivability and manoeuvrability (Studio)
As modern threats evolve, armoured fighting vehicles face a new era of challenges, from loitering munitions to kinetic energy projectiles. Advances in active, passive, and reactive protection systems are crucial to ensuring battlefield dominance, freedom of manouver and vehicle survivability.