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Land Warfare
FAMOUS all-terrain vehicle demonstrated with 20mm cannon
Patria has so far built two technology test beds of the FAMOUS (Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured System) all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and in the second half of this year will complete the first of two vehicles for further trials in the third quarter of 2025.
Land Warfare
Patria adds 120mm mortar system to 4x4 truck
A key feature of TREMOS (Traditional REborn Mortar System) is that it can be rapidly fitted to another platform. After the demonstration in Finland, TREMOS is going to Sweden to be fitted and fired from a standard commercial vehicle fitted with a hook lift to show its flexibility.
Land Warfare
Patria unveils new 155mm artillery system with Ukraine war in mind
The war in Ukraine has shown the need for howitzers with a rapid deploy, fire and move capability, the ‘shoot and scoot’ concept, and Patria’s newest self-propelled system, ARVE, acknowledges that.
Land Warfare
Sweden to receive production Archer howitzers next year with capability expected in 2030
When compared to some other wheeled artillery systems Archer has the advantage of quicker deployment and relocation as the complete fire mission is carried out without the crew leaving the protected cab at the front.