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Mini Falcon ordered for UAV college course

21st February 2012 - 14:06 GMT | by Beth Stevenson in London


Innocon’s Mini Falcon II TUAV has been ordered by Northland Community and Technical College in the US for the college’s UAS maintenance and training programme.

Announced on 21 February, the platform will be part of the college’s ‘significant’ UAV maintenance and training programme, a release from the company said.

‘Northland is the first school in the USA to offer an Unmanned Aerial Systems maintenance training programme, and we are proud to be part of it,’ Michael Armon,  Innocon’s CEO said in the statement.  

Northland offers a maintenance and repair programme for UAVs and GCSs in order for students to become

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Beth Stevenson


Beth Stevenson

Beth is a former senior reporter for Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Beth graduated …

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