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IMDEX Asia: RSN to increase use of unmanned systems

21st May 2015 - 04:41 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) is planning to further expand its unmanned vehicles capability, with manned and unmanned systems operating in unison, according to chief of navy RAdm Lai Chung Han.

Speaking ahead of IMDEX Asia in Singapore, Lai said the shift in unmanned capability could already be seen in mine countermeasure operations, with aerial, surface and underwater systems due to be introduced into service.

‘We have brought in the Remote Environmental Monitoring Units [REMUS], which are autonomous underwater vehicles for mine countermeasure operations. These unmanned craft can operate from various platforms and from ashore,’ he told Shephard.

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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